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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Value dimensions, willingness to pay and value capture in B2B relationships

Published: May 25, 2021


Claudio Minerbo, FGV EAESP – Escola de Administração de São Paulo, Brazil; Andre Luiz Silva Samartini, FGV EAESP – Escola de Administração de São Paulo, Brazil; Brito Luiz Artur Ledur, FGV EAESP – Escola de Administração de São Paulo, Brazil


Value in business relationships is based on economic, technical and non-economic dimensions. This study examines the relative importance and trade-offs that purchasing managers are willing to pay for different value dimensions. An Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint Analysis (ACBC) on a procurement situation in services was conducted with 152 purchasing managers from different industry sectors in Brazil. Findings show that purchasing managers are willing to pay substantial price premiums for suppliers that deliver operational efficiency that is consistent to market average, but not for superior performance. Despite the literature emphasizes the value of relationships, it is subjective and offers the lowest potential to increase price, and therefore adds indirect value like attraction and collaboration. Other value dimensions may increase price, but their potential depends on if they are strategically managed as trade-offs or in a cumulative manner, and on steep changes in attribute levels.


The authors acknowledge the support São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grant #2018/24850-7.